cs:: @(#)wetsaas.f 1.1 05/09/29 ::NGS cb::wetchao c subroutine wetsaas( rh, tc, stlat, hgt, wetzen ) c c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** c c name: wetchao c version: 9101.09 c written by: t. l. davis c purpose: computes wet zenith delay using saastamoinen formula c c c input parameters: c ----------------- c rh relative humidity c tc temperature [c] c stlat site latitude [rad] c hgt ellipsoidal height [m] c c output parameters: c ------------------ c wetzen() zenith delay [m] c c c local variables and constants: c ------------------------------ c c global variables and constants: c ------------------------------ c c c calls: c ------------------------------ c phifun computes the decrease in gravity due to height/latitude c wetchao Chao wet mapping function c wetpp the wet partial pressure from temperature and humidity c c include files: c ------------------------------ c c common blocks: c ------------------------------ c c references: c ------------------------------ c c comments: c ------------------------------ c in computing the rate, we currently c neglect the temperature derivative c c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** c::modification history c::8702.15, tld, creation c::9101.09, MSS, standard header. remove vlbi specific code c********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** ce::wetchao c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer (i-n) c double precision wetzen(2) c c........ 0.0 explicit initialization c parameter( t0= 273.15d0 ) parameter( rhrate= 0.d0 ) parameter( tcrate= 0.d0 ) c character*64 sccsid sccsid='@(#)wetsaas.f 1.1 05/09/29 ::NGS'//char(0) c c........ 1.0 gravity function c fphif= phifun( stlat, hgt ) c c........ 2.0 water vapor partial pressure c pp= wetpp( tc, 1.0d0 ) c c........ 3.0 calculate parameters c note: 0.11862 = 6.11*5.3/273 c dwetdt= ( -0.11862*( ( tc + t0 )/273 )**(-6.3) $ *dexp( 25.2d0*tc/( tc + t0 ) ) $ + 25.2d0*pp/( tc + t0 ) $ *( 1.d0 - tc/( tc + t0 ) ) ) $ *tcrate c c........ 4.0 zenith delay c wetzen(1)= 0.0022768d0*( 1255.d0/( tc + t0 ) + 0.05d0 )* $ rh*pp/fphif c wetzen(2)= 0.0022768d0*( 1255.d0/( tc + t0 ) + 0.05d0 )* $ ( rhrate*pp + rh*dwetdt )/fphif c return end